Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Earned in grime
Emblazoned for ages and
Swells offered brightly, been
Had and can't leave well alone, but
It's awful! Gristled, garish,
Ornament to bear and bare
Clean skin to Lancome, scrub,
Begging mark to fly.

Taken In

Grace, beyond measure or meld
Mind astounds mid this peace
Of tiny face. And feat
Beyond dreaming, finally safe
Surround in downy bliss and warm,
Cage, street, and lonetide,
Nuzzled and whispered away.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Do you
Ever gaze clear, find
Chill dread in distance of stars and
Fear in warm empty azure summer
Has time
Ever brought you to knees
Paralyzed, jaw caught, to gasp
Internalize mortal weight, and
And hope
Could it home in breast torn, in
Life atheized, abused to point
Of quake in clasp, inward bound,

Monday, November 19, 2012


And I
Assume responsibility
Pursue connection, vault
Obstacle and gain, a
Measure of peace
And we
Strange options met
Ensconced by solace
Frenetic bouts of self
In bond, in trust abide
And they
Illicit comprehension brew
Covet sans the chore,
Exertion laid apace beside
Can't have as you and I

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Err on side of
Judged rage, abashed
This quandary quakes,
Beneath and makes all rumpled
Covers fall aside, leave
Corpse, though wick, a chill,
A pall upon, for being gone.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Too Big

Absolve and find me! Wreak
vengeant rage a' they as wronged
Karmaic chrysalis I 
Dwell therein and seek
Fibers to sever, but nae!
A pouched cub, I writhe
But daylight sears 
Creased open keekers, 
Daren't face outside
Not yet - Allow space, 
But hold me, safe.


Done well, and finished
Packed away,
Sold! For farthing's twinkle
Gave o'er time, by rights
Given and un-poorly wrought
But not, by means of any
Perfect as I ought!
Good, enjoyed, admired - though
Less than compulsion requires,
And I, bereft of chances more,
Applauded, lauded, levy grace
To find a smile to paste this mouth
And face a night beyond
My imperfection.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Can, and do,
Will try so hard,
Beyond reason, past justice and judgement
Abandon scrutiny and fold, expand
Stage, unplanned redemption, flaw and flare
Completed, just to definition, this
Check-marked list longer by far
Than theirs, but Go, can, do! Fly and
Finish each thing, strong. Support,
Give effort and all, so amazing, the memories,
Achievements, things I'll make, heights
I'll ascend!
But I will be so tired...

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Tell me about yourself.

Ah, me: but who, which
Soul to bare and moments share
Shorn safety whip away and
Card so neatly, spin and
Weave which tale?
Give nickel-plated grin and gusto?
Depressed, success, misunderstood,
Convoluted, irrepressive, analytic,
Sweaty brow and heaving muscle?
Faithful, faithless, fearful, moody,
Careful, careless, caring, soporific,
Tidy, filthy, OCD, or wild and terror-stricken?
Bio of a million markers, scars
And meteors, now bound
To paragraph and page.


Weight bears,
Drowns drop on drop
Pounds, down and lee-side
Circling, flays.
Moan abreast, and find
each crystal flail a-splatter
Renders space invisible as I
Cup, sip, wish, watch, amazed
Want to fly in this, to ride
storm-astride to lift and foist
Tlaloc's fountain rage.


Stride into
Should-be, strong
and tall, so slender wrought,
Ribbon-bound and breathless,
Painted, declaim! And ought
to feel more than this. Dreary
Pulse, sluggish though, and bright
Smile upon glamour.
Greet new devotees, embrace
Past love and gone way. Sway,
So slightly, grit and bear
Bravely dream of dreams today.